“We have never initiated discussions about what to do with nuclear weapons or whether they could be used,” Lavrov said during the ‘60 Minutes’ program aired on the Rossiya-1 TV channel. “We do not want to fan the flames on the issue of nuclear risks. Our position is firmly rooted in the belief, reiterated by the president, that there are no victors in a nuclear war. Nonetheless, I would caution against underestimating our patience or our commitment to safeguarding our legitimate national interests using all available means."
Lavrov highlighted that it was Russia that brought the issue of nuclear disarmament to the world stage.
In discussing the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, Lavrov stressed that Russia does not harbor any illusions about a straightforward resolution, particularly given the policies of the incoming US administration under Donald Trump.
“It can only be achieved through an agreement that guarantees reliable security and stability in Europe—one that acknowledges Russia's interests while also respecting the legitimate concerns of all other nations,” he stated.
“As for the talks we are hearing about, primarily from the West and Ukraine, they are centered solely on a ceasefire. The goal seems to be to give the Kiev regime time to regroup with Western support, before launching another attempt to carry out its handlers’ instructions to strategically defeat Russia,” Lavrov remarked.
"The President has mentioned this numerous times. For us, a ceasefire alone will not suffice. What we need are reliable, legally binding agreements aimed at addressing the root causes of the conflict, including general security in Europe, NATO expansion, and, of course, the rights of people living in the territories who have chosen to reunite with the Russian Federation. However, this does not mean that the demand for respecting linguistic and religious rights, which were legislatively prohibited by Zelensky, should not apply to the rest of Ukraine," the top diplomat added.