Not hard to see why Republican @boncieredstate shifts this on to "NeoCons," now associated with Democrats (originated as Republicans not to defend either party's) to distract people from seeing Trump and his National Conservatives, including those here on this email list, are who are responsible for what the Mideast has devolved into! With Netanyahu's ideological partners Trump and the NatCons having precipitated/enabled/accelerated Israel's drive for "Greater Israel" from the time Netanyahu and the US Oligarchichs collaborating with him got Trump elected in 2016, with Trump then carrying out everything that the Adelson's let him know was what they wanted. Trump and Miriam boast about it! Yet "old dogs who can't learn new tricks" continue shifting on to what is now a quaint term, "NeoCon," to camouflage that Trumpite Traditional Conservatives, allied with Hazony's National Conservatives, together with their full fascist partners, the Ben-Gvir Fascist Coatition have now embarked upon the final drive for Greater Israel. And doofuses like Jeffrey Sachs and a host of others cannot figure that out, or deceivers like @boncieredstate bolster Trump and his felleow "Greater Israel Fascists" by displacing blame on to the virtually non-existent NeoCons yet. Just as they always were quiet about Traditional Conservatives like Jesse Helms and Jefferson Davis Sessions who were always as bad or worse than NeoCons, with the TradCons working harder than anyone to destroy the "Rule of Law, having always been there ahead of the NeoCons. Yet, no one ever calls them out for that, with so many here "revising history" in a fascist friendly way, incessantly. No wonder we're so FUBAR!