The email I just sent is helpful to understand the U.S.' own "Kahanism," now in the process of taking control of the U.S., so I will become more reticent in my criticism with having National Conservatism as our U.S. ideology now, under the leadership of its most prominent advocate J.D. Vance. I've been denounced here by Trump/Jeff Sessions/Yoram Hazony supporting Traditional Conservatives and National Conservatives for using the word "fascist" to describe the Americans who are the "extended ideological family" of Israeli fascists, doing so under the Law of Identity principle of Logic, as comparative political theory, as the aforesaid are. Just like Nazi Germany had many allies in the U.S. pre-WW II (and some, during, and after, WW II, such as Orwell identified Traditional Conservative James Burnham as, and his partner William Buckley, was), with many of them concealing their loyalties to their "ideology" (fascist political theory) as "America First" in working to keep the U.S. out of the war against Germany, notwithstanding some actually opposed war for what might be reasonable causes in light of WW I. But some in America First, like William Buckley's father seemed to be motivated by, were genuinely loyal to fascist ideology, as his son would later introduce it to the U.S. surreptitiously under "cover" of euphemistic "Conservatism." So naturally Buckley would be sympathetic to his fellow fascist ideologue, Meir Kahane, revealing the roots of Kahanism as like-minded fascists, in U.S. Traditional Conservatism, which these links are reveling of: So, since this email list has been so much of a platform for disseminating National Conservative propaganda, we should hold a mirror up to ourselves to see how much this email list has been part of the "First Kahane War. . . . this is a war to establish a fascist state.
Here, Levy is incorrect: "When Meir Kahane emerged, he brought with him an Israeli-made neo-Nazi party that viewed Arabs as dogs, at best." No, "he brought with him an American-made neo-Nazi party," modeled after the Ku Klux Klan, and "Conservative Segregationists," such as those who founded the American Conservative Movement, as any reading of Willmoore Kendall shows. With Kendall so popular on this email list, as I've found out with the denunciations I've received here from Trumpite Traditional Conservatives and their fellow National Conservatives, for simply revealing the explicit fascist political theory contained in Kendall's writings. One last point: in 2018, I did an oral history interview with Gideon Levy (which I haven't published), and when he finished describing the Israeli Right, I said they sound exactly like fascists. He wholeheartedly agreed! We didn't get into their American fellow ideologues as Hazony and his National Conservative American allies hadn't become ideologically formulaic yet, as they did in 2019, with The American Conservative magazine and Peter Thiel's enthusiastic support, to be joined slightly later with Quincy's promotion of the politicians who would adhere to them, such as Vance, DeSantis, Hawley, et al., all heavily promoted by Quincy's Responsible Statecraft and TAC magazine. And we on this email list were part and parcel of that as National Conservatism/Kahanism was heartily welcomed here. Now it has just taken full-control of the USG.