[Salon] JOHN KIRIAKOU: Pardon Me for Being Angry

It’s no secret that I asked President Joe Biden to pardon me for my 2008 violation of the obscure Intelligence Identities Act of 1981. 

My case for a pardon was strong.  But I was ignored.  Again.  And this is despite the fact that Biden pardoned his entire immediate family, a crooked Pennsylvania judge who literally sold children into bondage, and a Chinese spy, in addition to giving “preemptive pardons” to General Mark Milley, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and the members and staff of the Jan. 6 Committee.  

First let me offer a little background.  In December 2007 I blew the whistle on the C.I.A.’s illegal, immoral, and unethical torture program in a nationally-televised interview on ABC News. 

I said that the C.I.A. was torturing its prisoners, that torture was official U.S. government policy and that the policy had been personally approved by President George W. Bush.  

The Bush Justice Department investigated me from December 2007 until December 2008 and determined that I had not committed a crime. In fact, the DOJ sent my attorneys a “declination letter,” declining to prosecute me.


But four weeks later, when Barrack Obama was inaugurated as president, he appointed an old nemesis of mine, John Brennan, as the deputy national security advisor for counterterrorism. 

Brennan was one of the fathers of the C.I.A.’s torture program, which he helped to establish as the agency’s deputy executive director. I had no idea that Brennan asked the Justice Department to secretly reopen the case against me. 

For the next three years, my phones were tapped, my emails were intercepted, and teams of F.B.I. agents followed me everywhere I went.  

JOHN KIRIAKOU: Pardon Me for Being Angry

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