[Salon] [Friends_of_Bruce] Morning Shot: How many of Trump's executive orders will make it through?


Dear All:


Of possible interest.





Morning Shot (January 26, 2025)

How Many of Trump’s Executive Orders Will Make it Through?


A leading radio station in Singapore interviewed me on its Sunday morning news show for a 15-minute conversation dealing with a wide range of President Trump’s decisions during his first week in office.


For those who would like to listen in, here are two ways to do it.


·      https://omny.fm/shows/moneyfm-morning-show/morning-shot-how-many-of-trumps-executive-orders-w


·      https://open.spotify.com/episode/0xoRDAZ9ZpyoeEBMHyyfUv?si=KpvoJMedQGKBfKL2VGULZA




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