[Salon] Fwd: This is not what a ceasefire looks like

Of possible interest. 

Begin forwarded message:

Dear partners, 

Since the beginning of the war, B’Tselem has called repeatedly for a ceasefire and a deal between Israel and Hamas. We welcome the implementation of the deal so far and hope the following phases are successfully implemented.  

However, since the temporary ceasefire came into effect in mid-January, the Israeli government has continued to intensify the oppression of Palestinians in the areas it controls. 

In the West Bank, the military shut down checkpoints and put up hundreds of roadblocks, paralyzing the movement of millions. Troops continue to lethally raid cities, villages and refugee camps and demolish infrastructure. Meanwhile, settlers continue to attack Palestinians daily, with military support. 

Last month, we published a comprehensive review of the recent olive harvest, which was effectively thwarted by Israeli authorities and state-backed settler violence. We also documented Israeli forces disguised as medical personnel during a raid on a refugee camp, violent arrests, and other severe human rights violations throughout the area. 

The 2024 olive harvest: Increased restrictions and state violence

Every year around October and November is olive harvest season in the West Bank. The harvest is an important source of income for thousands of Palestinian families and a significant element of Palestinian economic and cultural life. 

Over the years, the Israeli apartheid regime has blocked Palestinians’ access to more and more of their land and restricted their access to the rest. In 2023, after the 7 October attacks, Palestinians in the West Bank were barred from harvesting their olives almost entirely.  

In 2024 the ban was slightly eased, but severe limitations remained. In many cases, even those who managed to obtain a permit to harvest their olives via the official 'coordination mechanism' were violently driven out of their land by soldiers and settlers. 


Watch a video of 2024 West Bank olive harvest: Israel furthers land grab

Reframe: Yuli Novak in conversation with Fatima Bhutto on Al Jazeera 
Our executive director, Yuli Novak, was interviewed by Al Jazeera as part of a special series of in-depth discussions with key figures from the Middle East. She spoke about her background as an officer and later as the director of 'Breaking the Silence,' discussed B'Tselem’s work over the past year, and explained the impact of Israeli policies on the human rights of all people living between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea—Palestinians and Israelis.


 Watch Yuli Novak, B'Tselem Executive Director in full conversation with journalist Fatima Bhutto, Al Jazeera 

Troops use fake ambulance in Balata Refugee Camp 

Footage we published shows Israeli forces entering Balata RC, near Nablus, in a vehicle disguised as an ambulance – a violation of international law. In the footage, soldiers are seen killing of 80-year-old Halimah Abu Leil. 


 Watch the video of the event

Severe abuse in al-Fawar Refugee Camp on pretext of military operation 

Hundreds of Israeli soldiers raided al-Fawar RC near Hebron and barred residents from leaving their homes for over 12 hours, while subjecting dozens of them to severe abuse. Read the full report on our website. 

Soldiers severely abused Palestinians in al-Fawar R.C.
under the pretext of a military operation

Basel and Yuval nominated for an Oscar 

Congratulations from the whole team at B’Tselem for Yuval Abraham and Basel al-Adra, on their Oscar nomination for Best Documentary. Their film 'No Other Land' is available for free viewing on "mekomit' website.

Dear partners,  
Your support enables us to continue documenting, exposing, and raising awareness of human rights violations in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and in Gaza. We invite you to donate through our website and join us in the fight for justice and equality. 

May we see better days, 

The B'Tselem team 

Donate here

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