Re: [Salon] Key Democrat Tells Trump to Screw Off After He Tries to Fire Her

BLUF: Key Democrat Tells Trump to Screw Off After He Tries to Fire Her (scroll down):

In response to this at the bottom of the page, which was posted here yesterday, let me share my experience with Elections, and how I came to be aware of Republican/Conservative/Libertarian electoral fraud techniques (toward the bottom) with some background for context.

I worked four years in the Minnesota Secretary of State's Office as the Help America Vote Act State Coordinator from 2004 - 2008, before I left for military active duty as a Guantanamo defense attorney. That SOS role included coordination/supervision/receiving complaints/legislative coordination, etc. of the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA), meaning both military members deployed overseas, and U.S. citizens overseas for whatever reason. 

I was hired by the Traditional Conservative/Neoconservative (no difference, as the Traditional Conservatives had grown quiet about their earlier, dead-ender  Segregationist past) Republican SOS in 2004 thanks to a mutual, Conservative acquaintance, who had worked for the SOS and who knew me from the "Conservative/Libertarian" debating society we belonged to. He wasn't aware I had long since renounced any spark of Conservatism left in me in seeing typical "Traditional Conservative Warhawks" like Senator's Jesse Helms and Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III constantly inciting US war and aggression in the 1990s (see below), even more than their NeoCon partners/ It was the Traditional Conservatives who were louder than anyone in favor of the GWOT, war against Iraq, expansion of NATO as close to Russia's borders as we could get at the time, and in hostility to any semblance of International Law, even under Treaties Reagan had signed. Jesse Helms, as friend of William F. Buckley and full partner to Traditional Conservative John P. East, as celebrated on this email list, was more "Conservative" than almost anyone, with his silent partners, the KKK, possible exceptions. 

But here a little history of them you won't see in the pages of The American Conservative magazine or Quincy Institute's so-called "Responsible Statecraft":

Attachment: Helms on NATO.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document Helms: Helm's: Let's Get Iraq Next

Longtime foreign policy hawk Sen. Jesse Helms, R-N.C., continued to rattle the saber against Saddam Hussein Wednesday night, insisting that the United States complete its unfinished business from the Persian Gulf War and oust the Iraqi president.

"I am convinced that the war on terrorism cannot and will not end until Saddam Hussein suffers the same fate as the Taliban," he said in remarks before a Hillsdale College Freedom Leadership dinner where he was receiving a leadership award. (sometime in the 1990s) 
BLUF:  "Neither would Sen. Jesse Helms, who has introduced legislation making it the official policy of the United States to overthrow the Yugoslav dictator. Helms said his bill had one purpose: ``To get rid of the murderous regime of Mr. Milosevic.'Helms backs up his intent with money. His bill, which has bipartisan support, would authorize $100 million to be used to fund insurgents inside Yugoslavia and to increase Radio Free Europe broadcasts to Yugoslavia."
"As self-appointed arbiter of U.S. foreign policy, Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Jesse Helms (R-NC) recently disdainfully dismissed an appeal by all 45 Democratic senators that he allow the Senate to consider the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), which has languished before his committee for two years without hearings. In his supercilious reply, Helms proclaimed his "floccinaucinihilipilification" of the CTBT, or in plain English, his belief that the treaty is absolutely worthless. With Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott's (R-MS) support, Helms reasserted his intention to hold the treaty hostage to advance his campaign to destroy the unrelated ABM Treaty, thereby blocking Senate action on the CTBT."


Perhaps the greatest moral challenge we face at the dawn of the new century is to right the wrongs perpetrated in the last century at Yalta, when the West abandoned the nations of Central and Eastern Europe to Stalin and a life of servitude behind the Iron Curtain.
We began the process of righting the wrong in 1998, when the Senate voted to admit Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic in the NATO alliance. I consider it one of my proudest moments as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to have helped usher in those three nations’ admission to NATO and thus to have helped them secure their rightful place in the community of Western democracies…vital not only for their security but for ours as well. 

Which leads up to this, my witnessing of the real voter fraud, as I've written before, of the lying claim made by the Koch-funded American Legislative Exchange Council (see below), when ALEC launched a lying, scurrilous election campaign against the 2nd MN SOS I worked for after the Republican had lost the 2006 election to him, who was in every way superior to his Republican predecessor, in honesty, morally, and for competence. That came about in 2012 when ALEC falsely charged the Democratic Party SOS, Mark Ritchie, with suppressing the military vote, and of enabling voting by illegal voters, of all sorts, but principally immigrants. 

That was all a vast lie, orchestrated by the Koch-funded ALEC. I was the person in MN government who received all voting complaints of illegal voting, and they were minuscule in number, with most coming from disgruntled former spouses, or people who believed that if one looked like a Muslim, or Hispanic, their voting was ipso facto illegal! As if illegal aliens were so determined to vote, knowing their vote's impact would be virtually non-existent, with the same cynicism as Americans have, that they would commit a felony and possible deportation, just to vote. But that is the permanent propaganda meme of the Republican Party, with Hans von Spakovsky of the Heritage Foundation that lie's most strident propagandist!
The Role of ALEC 

"The Center for Media and Democracy has revealed that two anti-BDS measures were introduced as potential ALEC model legislation at an annual ALEC summit in December 2015: “Resolution on Countering the BDS movement” and the “Protection and Enforcement against the Commercial Exclusion of Israel Act.” [143] According to ALEC’s website, the resolution was formally introduced as model legislation during the annual ALEC conference held the following July."

"A powerful rightwing pressure group, the American Legislative Exchange Council (Alec), is engineering pledges of unconditional support for Israel’s attack on Gaza by state legislatures across the US.

. . . 

"Although state legislatures have limited direct influence over Washington’s policy on Israel, Alec and allied groups have long been instrumental in mobilising political pressure by pushing local legislation and resolutions in support of the Jewish state. They include laws to block and punish support for the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel’s oppression of the Palestinians."

You can't claim "biased reporting" against ALEC for these claims, ALEC itself boasts of it:

The man who cries voter fraud: how Hans von Spakovsky has built a career peddling election security fears

At a US House hearing in May, a bespectacled 65-year-old attorney made a startling claim: American citizens’ right to vote was under attack. Non-citizens, Hans von Spakovsky claimed, were voting unchecked in federal elections, and something needed to be done about it.

“We know that aliens are registering and actually voting,” said Von Spakovsky, “and it’s important to understand that every vote by an alien voids the vote of a citizen.”

For Von Spakovsky, who leads Heritage Foundation’s election law initiative and authored the section of Project 2025 on federal election oversight, the testimony joined two of his favorite topics: immigration and what he believes is the unseen scourge of fraudulent voting in American elections.

It was also deeply misleading. The criminal penalties for voting in federal elections are steep for immigrants without full citizenship – felony charges and even deportation. So they rarely cast ballots in US elections. That has not stopped Von Spakovsky from doubling down on his claim that non-citizen voting threatens election security.

Anxieties about voter fraud entered the conservative mainstream in full force in the mid-2000s, as Republican-controlled state legislatures across the country adopted voter identification laws ostensibly to prevent individual acts of fraudulent voting – like a voter casting a ballot in two states or under someone else’s name. The idea that elections could be vulnerable to widespread fraud formed the basis of Donald Trump’s lie that the 2020 election had been stolen – captivating his base and driving thousands to insurrectionist violence on 6 January 2021.

Von Spakovsky, who former colleagues describe as mild-mannered and even awkward, did not join Trump’s legal efforts to overturn the 2020 election; nor did he join the former president’s loyalists who publicly decried the results of the election as illegitimate.

But Von Spakovsky has nonetheless been working tirelessly, often behind the scenes, to raise unfounded allegations of widespread voter fraud throughout the course of his decades-long career as a conservative activist. “Election integrity” and the idea that US elections are vulnerable to mass, fraudulent voting, has become a centerpiece of conservative politics, with Von Spakovsky playing a key role in bringing the movement to that point.

“He probably is the single most important advocate, over a long period of time, persuading people to take this claim of fraud seriously,” said Paul Smith, the senior vice-president of the non-partisan voting rights group Campaign Legal Center.

Von Spakovsky did not respond to numerous requests for an interview.

Von Spakovsky got his first serious exposure to elections administration when he was nominated to the Fulton county, Georgia board of registration and elections by the county Republican party in 1996, when he was working as an attorney in the private sector.

Wini Cox, a Democrat who served on the board with him, described Von Spakovsky as hyper-vigilant and intensely wary of the voting process.

“Hans was suspicious of everything,” said Cox.

By 2000, Von Spakovsky had made a name for himself in a small network of conservative organizations dedicated to voter fraud and elections security. In a lengthy blogpost on the Federalist Society’s website in February 2000, he mused about mail-in voting, permanent absentee voting and the spectre of non-US citizens registering to vote. Especially concerning, wrote Von Spakovsky, were voting reforms that streamlined the voter registration process – like the National Voter Registration Act, which made it easier for voters to register while applying for a driver’s license.

“All of these ‘reforms’ have increased the opportunity for election fraud,” he wrote.

Voter Integrity Project, a Virginia-based organization that Von Spakovsky advised, advocated purging voter rolls, even awarding the company responsible for erroneously scrubbing thousands of disproportionately minority voters from Florida’s rolls before the 2000 election, an honor for “innovation”.

Later, when George W Bush was elected president, Von Spakovsky – at that point a prominent blogger and activist focused on the topic of voter fraud – was hired to the voting section of the civil rights division of the Department of Justice; in 2002, he was promoted to oversee the section. Brought in with the new presidential administration, Von Spakovsky was in all but name a political appointee. But he served alongside career staffers in the department.

“He was technically in a career position,” said Jon Greenbaum, who served as a trial attorney in the voting section at the time. “But in practical terms, he was playing a very political role.”

In a particularly striking incident, Von Spakovsky declined to recuse himself from reviewing the legality of a strict voter identification law in Georgia, despite having recently worked there as a Republican party activist. While the review was underway, Von Spakovsky even published an article advocating for voter ID laws under the pseudonym “Publius”. Over the objections of career attorneys, who in a memo argued that “the totality of the evidence” suggested the law would disproportionately disenfranchise Black voters, “higher ranking officials” allowed the law to be cleared, according to the Washington Post.

In 2005, Von Spakovsky was rewarded for his performance in the Department of Justice – with an interim appointment, by Bush, to the Federal Elections Commission, where he worked for two years.

But the Senate never confirmed his appointment. Six former justice department staff made the unprecedented decision to pen a letter to the committee on rules and administration objecting to his full appointment.

During his tenure in the voting section, they alleged, Von Spakovsky had “played a major role in the implementation of practices which injected partisan political factors into decision-making on enforcement matters and into the hiring process”.

It would not be the last time that people who encountered him professionally would find themselves so alarmed by his cutthroat partisanship.

Read more on the election operators shaping Trump’s White House bid:

Three years after Von Spakovsky withdrew from consideration for the FEC appointment, he returned again to elections administration – as vice-chair of the three-person electoral board in Fairfax county, a blue-leaning Virginia county outside DC with a large immigrant population. César del Aguila, who chaired the county Democratic party at the time, said that during his tenure on the board, Von Spakovsky objected to the placement of non-English language informational materials about voting in polling places.

“Why is it OK to remove literature in different languages?” said Del Aguila. “To me, it was a very personal thing that was happening there, targeting the majority-minority immigrant community.”

When Von Spakovsky was up for reappointment, Del Aguila felt he needed to do something. In a letter to the circuit court overseeing Von Spakovsky’s re-appointment, Del Aguila wrote on behalf of the county Democratic party that Von Spakovsky was “temperamentally ill-suited” to carry out his responsibilities on the elections board.

“I had a lot of institutional conservative Democrats give me crap about writing that, and taking that position, because [to them] it was more important to just not make any waves,” said Del Aguila. “It probably would not have been done had not a Latino been chair.”

The court was receptive, and declined to reappoint Von Spakovsky.

For decades, Von Spakovsky had been writing about and advocating for the implementation of strict voter identification laws and dismissing the justified concern such measures would disenfranchise poor and minority voters as “hysterical”. In 2018, he got a chance to prove in court his position that election integrity requires strict voter identification laws.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) was suing the Kansas secretary of state, Kris Kobach, over a law requiring voters to provide proof of citizenship before casting a ballot. The plaintiffs argued the law violated the National Voter Registration Act; Von Spakovsky, a friend of Kobach’s in the fight for voter ID, would stand as an expert witness in defense of the strict law.

The testimony went terribly.

During his statement before the court, Von Spakovsky pointed to coverage from a Florida NBC outlet that had found a possible 100 non-citizens on the state’s voter rolls.

During cross-examination, Dale Ho, the lead attorney for the plaintiffs, pointed out that the NBC outlet had revised their reporting, finding that at least 35 of the 100 voters originally identified as ineligible were actually US citizens. Von Spakovsky conceded that this was true. Ho also pointed to an article that Von Spakovsky had written in 2011 claiming a Missouri election had hinged on illegal votes cast by Somali residents. It hadn’t, Ho revealed: before Von Spakovsky’s article ran, a judge had found no fraud had taken place during the election.

Julie Robinson, the US district judge overseeing the case, ultimately sided with the ACLU. In her opinion, she issued a devastating indictment of Von Spakovsky and his evidence. The court, she wrote, gave “little weight” to Von Spakovsky’s testimony, which was “premised on several misleading and unsupported examples of noncitizen voter registration, mostly outside the state of Kansas”. Von Spakovsky had given the impression of an activist masquerading as an expert.

“He really got himself into trouble with the judge,” said Lorraine Minnite, a political scientist who wrote the book The Myth of Voter Fraud and served as an expert witness for the plaintiffs during the Kansas case. “That hasn’t chastened him at all – he’s been steadfast.”

Despite having been discredited in court, Von Spakovsky continued to work as a proponent of so-called “election integrity” efforts, led the Election Law Reform Initiative at the rightwing Heritage Foundation and joined Trump’s short-lived Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity in 2017.

At the foundation, Von Spakovsky wields considerable influence.

“I would sit here and talk to him for seven or eight hours,” said Kevin Roberts, the president of the Heritage Foundation, in a 2022 podcast interview with Von Spakovsky. “In fact, we do that some months over the period of several meetings.”

At the foundation, Von Spakovsky fires off a regular stream of written commentary on elections – but also on other conservative topics du jour. In one column, he argues in support of Texas’s razored buoys in the Rio Grande river. In another, he decries the NFL as “an anti-American, ‘woke’ institution” for playing Lift Every Voice and Sing, at football games.

He has also continued to work closely with Republican election officials; in 2020, ProPublica reported that Von Spakovsky had held a series of closed-door meetings with election officials examining the issue of voter fraud. In the years since, he has continued to work with Republican secretaries of state.

In a six-page article published in the Heritage Foundation’s now-infamous Project 2025, Von Spakovsky offers a glimpse of his vision for a future for US elections regulation – in which the Federal Election Commission, which is tasked with overseeing campaign finance laws and US federal elections, is brought to heel.

Currently overseen by a commission of three Democratic and three Republican appointees, the FEC has regularly deadlocked over major issues. One proposal, backed by some Democrats, would reduce the size of the FEC to five appointees with a non-partisan chair.

The president, Von Spakovsky argues, “should vigorously oppose” such a reform.

The FEC’s most grievous fault, he adds, is not under-enforcement, as pro-democracy groups argue, but over-enforcement. The document contains echoes of Von Spakovsky’s years in the justice department – where he served during a time of hyper-partisanship.

In Von Spakovsky’s view, the enforcement of US elections law should be under the purview of one person: the president.

“The President should direct the DOJ and the attorney general not to prosecute individuals under an interpretation of the law with which the FEC,” Von Spakovsky writes, “does not agree.”

His view aligns closely with the bulk of Project 2025 – a playbook for a Republican presidency that would radically consolidate the power of the executive branch, prioritizing not only deregulation, long a pillar of the conservative movement, but also a draconian crackdown on immigration and immigrants living in the US without documentation.

“The reaction of the left” to Project 2025, Von Spakovsky laughed during an 8 July podcast “is really telling.”

On Feb 9, 2025, at 6:29 AM,> wrote:

The New Republic

Key Democrat Tells Trump to Screw Off After He Tries to Fire Her

Edith Olmsted
Fri, February 7, 2025

A key Democrat on the Federal Elections Commission has hit back after President Donald Trump made a pathetic attempt to illegally remove her.

Ellen Weintraub, an opponent of corporate dark money who has served as a commissioner on the FEC panel for 20 years, on Thursday posted a letter that she had received, signed by the president himself. His message was brief.

“You are hereby removed as a member of the Federal Election Commission, effectively immediately. Thank you for your service on the Commission,” the letter said. Weintraub wasn’t going to be so easily dismissed.

“Received a letter from POTUS today purporting to remove me as Commissioner & Chair of @FEC,” Weintraub wrote on X. “There’s a legal way to replace FEC commissioners—this isn’t it. I’ve been lucky to serve the American people & stir up some good trouble along the way. That’s not changing anytime soon.”

A commissioner can only be removed after the president nominates a replacement, and that person is then confirmed by the Senate. Weintraub, whose six-year term as a commissioner technically expired in 2007 but who has remained on the commission, took the rotating position as FEC chair in January.

The FEC has received dozens of complaints accusing Trump of violating campaign finance law, but none of them has been pursued because of the panel’s bipartisan deadlock. Weintraub, who has made public statements about these complaints, told The New York Times she’s “not really surprised that I am on their radar.”

Weintraub is one of three Democrats on the panel of six commissioners, a structure that often leads to a deadlock as a bipartisan vote is necessary for the watchdog agency to do anything. But Weintraub helped to engineer a new system to make the deadlock work for the Democrats, instead of against them. In her scheme, the FEC fails over and over again to vote, appearing as dysfunctional as possible, thereby compelling the federal courts to act by enforcing federal election law in its stead.


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