Or, now that Zelensky has offered all this mineral wealth to take care of his "arrears," a "deal" is cut to decapitate Russia, and let them absorb Ukraine again, but "under new management," a Boris Yeltsin type, or Zelensky, who will be more subservient to the US than has Putin so that “Ukraine may be Russian some day.” Out of the question? See the Gaza Riviera. "President Donald Trump said he will continue to provide Ukraine with aid because otherwise "Putin would say he's won." "Speaking to the press at the White House, Trump discussed continuing to provide assistance to Ukraine if he secures a deal that would allow the U.S. access to Kyiv's rare earth materials, according to a CSPAN video of his remarks." . . . "When asked if he would cease sending funds to Ukraine, Trump said: "No, we are, but we want it secured, and the money is going to be secured" and he added, "because if we didn't do that, then Putin would say he won. We're the thing that's holding it back and frankly, we'll go as long as we have to go because we're not going to let the other happen."