[Salon] Fwd: Nightmare

Jeff Stein

Editor-in-Chief, www.spytalk.co

(202) 812-3034 - cell/Signal

Twitter: @spytalker

Begin forwarded message:

From: Jeff Stein <spytalk@me.com>
Date: February 20, 2025 at 12:30:12 AM EST
To: graham <bozorgg@aol.com>, Raymond L McGovern <rrmcgovern@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Salon] Nightmare

“Tucker Carlson on our side“ says it all, Professor Graham. No wonder you’re so disoriented. You guys have gone so far out on the left you’ve circled back to the extreme right—certainly not the first time in history that has occurred.
Meanwhile, the idea that Ukraine somehow deserved Putin’s illegal invasion of Ukraine, the utter destruction of so many of its towns and cities, and wanton criminal attacks on its civilians because it was “provoked” reminds me of the husband who argues that he had a right to beat up or even murder his wife because she “provoked” him. 
What kind of moral stance is that? We’ve heard that argument made too many times, from Hitler in regard to Poland, to Joseph Stalin in Hungary, to Eisenhower and Kennedy in their various nefarious adventures, to George W. Bush justifying the invasion of Iraq, and more. It’s never a good argument. It’s immoral. It was an outrageous, manufactured argument for Putin to make in regard to Ukraine. And it should be for you, too. For you to cheer on the Trump-Putin dismemberment and subjugation of Ukraine is outrageous and morally indefensible. Will you make the same excuses for Putin when he moves on the Baltics? 

Jeff Stein

Editor-in-Chief, www.spytalk.co

(202) 812-3034 - cell/Signal

Twitter: @spytalker

On Feb 19, 2025, at 11:14 PM, graham <bozorgg@aol.com> wrote:

 Bravo (Ray for pushing back to Spytalk.  . Jeff should know enough and be sophisticated enough not to be drawn in to this crude partisan line. But I am afraid he is very much in the majority, and we in the minority, well summed up in the phrase of.Putin Versteher. I wonder sometimes whether this outrageous myth of "unprovoked, Russian aggression" and bowing to Russian expansionism will not enter into the language as a "fact that everybody knows." It is deeply disturbing to see what should be a more sophisticated world view on the part of Jeff is corrupted by the bought and paid for "Washington narrative." JD Vance might well have touched upon this as well in his otherwise remarkable speech. And how is it that "sophisticated, educated, worldly and experienced" people like ourselves, seemingly are out in the cold, unable to persuade people to our perspective. Maybe that is always the way of the world,

But the story is not over. And we even have Tucker Carlson on our side! I don't even know whether I am on the "right" or "left" anymore...


On Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 11:00 PM, Raymond L McGovern via Salon <salon@listserve.com> wrote:

RELAX Jeff, you don’t have to publish everything your intelligence sources whisper. I refer to your latest -- “Nightmare: Trump Sides with Putin, Abandons the Atlantic Alliance, Sells Out Ukraine”. … in which you describe as THE Nightmare Question: Has the president of the United States flipped? Is he now, in effect, a knowing, willing asset of the former Soviet KGB agent?” You guys tried that one before, Jeff. Have you forgotten how silly it was? Let David Sanger promote this drivel; the NYTimes pays him to do it.

Ray McGovern

On Wed, Feb 19, 2025 at 8:44 PM Jeff Stein via Salon <salon@listserve.com> wrote:

Jeff Stein 
Editor-in-chief, SpyTalk
(202) 812-3034  cell/Signal
Twitter: @spytalker

Salon mailing list

Ray McGovern
raymcgovern.com  (Web site)

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