[Salon] The body of the Israeli is in the coffin, the Palestinian's blue bag . . . [Palestinian] martyrs are delivered in blue bags and thrown into trucks devoid of the most basic elements of human dignity

The body of the Israeli is in the coffin, the Palestinian's blue bag


The government in the Gaza Strip condemned the double standards imposed by the International Committee of the Red Cross during the surrender of the bodies of Israeli and Palestinian prisoners.

Ismail al-Sevabite, director of the government's media office in Gaza, said in a statement on the X account, "While the Red cross holds serious ceremonies when it receives the bodies of Israeli prisoners, the bodies of Palestinian martyrs are delivered in blue bags and thrown into trucks devoid of the most basic elements of human dignity."

Drawing attention to the double standard here, Sevabite said: “This obvious discrimination in the treatment reflects double standards and reveals the inability of the international community to provide justice and fairness!”

Hamas delivered the "bodies of the 4 Israeli prisoners who died in the Israeli attack" in the Gaza Strip this morning to the International Red Cross teams as part of the ceasefire and prisoner swap agreement.

During the delivery process, each body of the Israeli prisoners was placed in separate coffins.

He violated the ceasefire again

On the other hand, the Israeli army, which violated the ceasefire, killed a Palestinian who returned home in Gaza.

According to information received from Palestinian health sources, a Palestinian who was targeted by an Israeli sniper in the Şucaiyye Neighborhood in eastern Gaza lost his life. It was noted that the Palestinian who lost his life was targeted while trying to return to his home in Shucaiyye.

Israel often violates the ceasefire in Gaza despite the ceasefire and prisoner swap agreement reached with Hamas on January 19.

Since the ceasefire came into force, the number of Palestinians who died as a result of the fire opened by the Israeli army has increased to 93.

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