[Salon] American Diarchy: Our Two Kings, in Their Own Words


American Diarchy: Our Two Kings, in Their Own Words

Jeffrey St. Clair     2/28/25

Musk and Trump in the Oval Office. Image: White House.

Ancient Sparta was a weird place (almost as weird as the US) and all the other Greek city states, as well as the Persians, knew it. It was an oligarchy, ruled by the city-state’s oldest families, where almost all of the labor was performed by an enslaved population of non-native born Spartans (helots) so that the home-grown Spartans could spend all day buffing up their physiques and fine-tuning their war-making skills.

Men and women in Sparta lived separately, even after marriage. Yet even though Sparta was the ultimate Brotopia, Spartan women generally enjoyed more “rights” than other Greek women, even in democratic Athens. For example, the Spartan women were the only women in ancient Greece who could own property and speak openly during political debates. They were also sent to compete against the men from Athens, Corinth, Thebes, Aegina in the Olympic Games. The Spartan princess Cynisca competed in four chariot races and won twice, once in 396 BCE and again in 392 BCE. (This was, of course, even more humiliating for the Hellenic boys on the sporting grounds of Olympia, than when Lia Thomas, the female trans swimmer, tied FoxNews darling Riley Gaines for fifth place(!) in the 200 yard freestyle at the NCAA championships. Still, the humbled Ancient Greeks didn’t ban women from competing against men at the games.)

One of the laws handed down by the great Spartan lawgiver Lycurgus was that Sparta was to have no written laws. I said it was weird. What we know of the Spartan constitution comes largely from Socrates’ student Xenophon (a better read and much more interesting dude than Plato IMHO), who sold his considerable services to Sparta during the Peloponnesian war.

The aversion to writing didn’t just apply to laws. Spartans didn’t write epic poetry, plays, philosophy, biographical sketches or history, even accounts of their own storied battles at Thermopylae and Plataea. They could write and read. But they choose not to, perhaps heeding the warning (and one I wish multiple times a week I’d heeded) of the Egyptian deity Thamus to Thoth, the Ibis-headed god who invented writing:

This invention will produce forgetfulness in the minds of those who learn to use it, because they will not practice their memory. Their trust in writing, produced by external characters which are no part of themselves, will discourage the use of their own memory within them. (The Phaedrus, Plato)

You’ll begin to appreciate the wisdom of Thamus’s warning when you try to remember the deleted data on Covid infections from the CDC, the toxic waste sites near you from the elided Toxic Release Inventory, the amount of sea level rise at your beach house over the last 30 years measured by the soon-be-defunct NOAA,  the 1-800 number for FEMA after the F-5 tornado wiped out your house or those DOT reports on how likely your Tesla cybertruck is likely self-immolate.

Like the US, Sparta was an oligarchy, in that it was run by a small group of elites; yet it wasn’t an oligarchy that was obsessed with the accumulation of wealth. You won’t find any Spartan coins in museums because they never minted any, using iron bars instead, which had limited value only among other Spartans. (No wine merchant from Naxos was going to accept iron bars as a payment for a shipload of amphora filled with the island’s famous vintage.) Indeed, Spartans were prohibited by one of Lycurgus’s unwritten laws from engaging in any kind of commerce, all of which was handled by another group of people (free but denied citizenship rights) called the Períoikoi, much of which consisted of renting out the Sparta-trained soldiers as mercenaries. But hoarding and avarice were universally frowned upon.

The Spartans didn’t build monuments or marble temples. When I hiked through Sparta 45 years ago,  there were only a few overgrown stone walls to mark the presence of one of the most powerful city states in the Mediterranean for more than three hundred years. (The lack of ruins hardly mattered since no marble temples, not even the Parthenon, could compete with the beauty of the snow-capped Taygetus Mountains that the Spartans woke up to every morning and I spent the next three days hiking in, through up dark gorges to sparking ridges with a knapsack containing a copy of Thucydides, dried fish, chunks of Graviera cheese and a winesking of retsina–still not a fan.) It was an austere society, but an austerity shared by all, if not equally.

Now, I arrive at my point, such as it is. Sparta’s government was unique in that it had two chief executives, call them “kings”, if you like, who had equal power (and powerful they must have been since both “royal” families traced their origins to the seed of Hercules). Sparta was one of the few Diarchies that we know of (the Roman Republic model its two consuls after the Spartan system, though the consuls were limited to one-year terms and, until the rise of the dictators Sulla, Crassus, Pompey and Julius Caesar in the first century BCE, the real power resided with the Senate).

And now a Diarchy has assumed power in the United States, featuring a duumvirate of Trump and the world’s richest human, Elon Musk. The difference being: in Sparta, the diarchy, according to Aristotle, was meant to serve as a check on absolutist power and here it is being used to consolidate it.

Unlike our two kings, the Spartan leaders were not verbose. They spoke in short, declarative sentences and didn’t ramble. They were in a word: “Laconic,” whose etymology is derived from the name of the greater Spartan city state: Lacedaemon (Laconia).

Last week our co-rulers made separate appearances at CPAC, a kind of Dionysian festival for the Cult of MAGA, where both of them were far from laconic about their plans to recreate the Republic in their own images.

Taking Xenophon as my model, I’ve pulled some relevant quotations from our two Diarchs so that we’ll have a keener sense of exactly the kind of tyranny-by-two that is in store for us…

On Their Own Awesomeness

Musk: I am become meme. Yeah. I was living the meme. It’s just — I was living the dream, and I was living the meme, and that’s, pretty much what’s happening.

I mean, DOGE started out as a meme. Think about it! Now it’s real! But it’s cool! This is awesome.

We’re, you know, we’re trying to get good things done, but also, like, you know, have a good time doing it and, uh, you know, and have, like, a sense of humor.

You know. So, like, I mean, the sort of the left wanted to make comedy illegal, you know, you can’t make fun of anything. So this is, like, comedy suuuuuucks. It’s like, nothing’s funny. You can’t make fun of anything.

It’s like, LEGALIZE COMEDY! YEEEAH! Legalize Comedy!…Freedom of speech, having fun again, it seems like we should… We should have a good time. You know?

I mean, I thought, I thought we were sort of heading for a point of no return really, you know, until, um, that’s why it was so essential that President Trump win the election and, and that there, there be a Republican majority in the House and Senate, which, thanks to you [gestures generally at CPAC audience] that, that has been accomplished. Yeah.

The Biden administration was, was attacking me next level. I mean, the Department of Justice — or Injustice, under the Biden administration — was, I mean, they were suing SpaceX. They’re suing SpaceX for not hiring asylum seekers. And we’re like, but it’s actually illegal for us to hire asylum seekers because we’re… rocket technology is covered under ITAR rules, which that means it’s an advanced weapons technology, yeah. And so we can only hire permanent residents or green card or citizens, right? Like, so we’re damned if we do, damned if we don’t. We said like, so how can they sue us for not hiring asylum seekers when it’s actually illegal for us to do so. But nonetheless, there was a big Department of Justice or Injustice case about this against SpaceX, so obviously it was an antagonistic situation, and those astronauts were supposed to be up there for eight days, and now they’re up for eight months. Does that make any sense? And we, we, we, obviously could have brought them back sooner, but they didn’t want anyone who could support President Trump to look good. Basically.

That’s the, that’s the that’s the issue.

Trump: I heard O’Reilly last night say Donald Trump for the first four weeks is the greatest president ever in the history of our country. That was O’Reilly. Bill O’Reilly is alright. You know who he said second was? George Washington. That’s not bad. I beat George Washington. I love beating George Washington.

I watched this MSNBC, which is a threat to democracy, actually. They’re—they’re stone cold, but they’re stuttering. They’re all screwed up. They’re all mentally screwed up. They don’t know what—their ratings have gone down the tubes. I don’t even talk about CNN. CNN sort of like, I don’t know. They—they—they are pathetic, actually. But MSNBC was mean. Their ratings are absolutely down.

This Rachel Maddow, what does she have? She’s got nothing. Nothing. She took—she took a sabbatical where she worked one day a week. They paid her a lot of money. She gets no ratings. I should go against her in the ratings because I’ll tell you, she gets no rate. All she does is to talk about Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, all different subjects. Trump this, Trump that. But these people are really—I mean, they lie. You—they shouldn’t be allowed to lie every night. They are really a vehicle of the Democrat party. They should be paying me!

What do we like better? Crooked Joe or sleepy Joe?

Ready? Ready? Crooked Joe or sleepy? Ready? Crooked Joe. Yeah. Sleepy Joe. Got to stay with Crooked. He had one ability that I didn’t have. He could do something that I couldn’t do.

I don’t say that because he was a horrible golfer. Remember he challenged me during the debate to a golfer? Man? He said, “I’m a six handicap.” I said, “You’re not a thirty-six handicap.” He said he’s a six. And then he said, “Well, I’m eight.” Remember? I said, that was quick. Picked up two strokes.

But he was—he’s not a thirty-six handicap, but he had one ability that was amazing. He could go with cameras on him, television, fake news on him, probably because he knows they wouldn’t cover it badly. You know, they covered him as well as you can cover him. How the hell can you cover the guy? Well—but—but he had this incredible—he could barely walk in the sand.

Somebody thought he looked great in a bathing suit. And he’d walk in the stand pulling a thing that weighed about six ounces. You know those aluminums? The aluminums are very good. You can—a child—it’s meant for children and very old people to lift. Right? So he—he would put it down, and he’d put it down, and he’d fall into it, and he’d immediately fall asleep in front of the media. I could never do that. That’s the only thing. That’s the only thing. I could never do it. No. He was sleepy Joe, but he was crooked as hell. You know? There’s no question.

He was a sleepy crooked guy. Terrible, terrible president. He was the worst president in the history of our country. I don’t—I’ll say it. Jimmy Carter passed away recently, and he passed away a happy man. He was a happy man when he passed away because he said that it’s not even close. Joe was the worst. And believe me, I have to clean up the mess. I’m cleaning up the mess, which is on the border with inflation. They go over—every single thing he touched turned to shit. Okay? Everything. True. It’s true. That’s true.

Elon is doing a great job. He’s doing a great job. We love Elon, don’t we? He’s like, I—he’s a character with his—with his son, X.

We love X. He’s the only one kid get away. His son’s really named X. He’s the only one can get away with naming his son X. We haven’t—did it this day. You’re crazy. But he’s great. He’s doing a great job, and he doesn’t need this. He doesn’t need it, but he’s—he wants to see—you know, he’s a patriot. People said, well, what official position does he have? He said, patriot. Oh. They didn’t know. They said, that was good. He’s a patriot.

On Government Waste and Wasting the Government

Musk: Waste is pretty much everywhere. People ask, like, how can you find waste? And, like, in DC, I’m like, look, it’s like being in a room, and this target, the wall, the roofs and the floor are all targets. So it’s like, you’re gonna close your eyes and go shoot in any direction [laughs] you can’t miss, you know. So it’s, it’s pretty wild, like, like, you just push on things a little bit, and you save billions of dollars, like, just a little bit, you know, it’s wild.

It’s why I say like, it really is underrated, if you add caring and competence, how much things improve. Yeah, and, you know, and we just find so many totally crazy things, which, you know, obviously we’re sharing with the public. We post everything we learn, you know, just you know, so you can see it, you know.

It’s like, isn’t it? Like, it’s totally wild.

In fact, a massive amount of your tax dollars is going to legacy media companies, directly from the from, from the government.

Yeah. I mean, I got a lot of criticism [for his $44 billion purchase of Twitter, backed by the Saudis], and people, people, said, well, that proves he’s a huge idiot from a, you know, like, look, he bought it for like whatever, $44 billion and now it’s worth, like, eight cents. t was essentially to, you know, buy…. freedom… of _expression_. And —I mean, like, you know. All the sort of federal money going to media companies is what, what helps explain why the legacy media all says the same thing at the same time. Yeah, like, isn’t it, like, it’s like, weird, like, you put them up with, like, you know, like, when…

I like the theme with it, where, where, where, because they’re always saying, like, threat to our democracy, threat to our democracy, but if you just replaced democracy with bureaucracy…. It makes a lot of sense. Big threat to the bureaucracy.

Trump: The fraudsters, liars, cheaters, globalists, and deep state bureaucrats are being sent packing. The illegal alien criminals are being sent home. We’re draining the swamp, and we’re restoring government by the people, for the people.

We have escorted the radical-left bureaucrats out of the building and have locked the doors behind them. We’ve gotten rid of thousands. We’re liberating our country right now. We’re doing all these things that you’re reading about. We’re liberating our country.

And we’ve also effectively ended the left-wing scam known as USAID, the agency’s name, has been removed from its former building, and that space will now house agents from customs and border patrol. Beautiful.

And at the ultra-left CFPB, it said which was terrible. So many people have been hurt by that. I used to call—I used to get calls from lending offices, from owners of small banks, and they were almost crying. What they did to those people, they destroyed them, put them out of business. They established—it was established by Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren. Does anyone know—remember the Pocahontas scam?

“I’m an Indian. Therefore, I’m entitled to be a senator. I’m an Indian,” she said. “Could we see proof of that, please?” She said, “Well, the only proof I have is my mother said I have high cheekbones.” Oh, that’s fine. That’s no good. Right? Remember she went out? I just really spooked her, I tell you. Remember she went out? She couldn’t take it anymore. Was going to Pocahontas. Pocahontas. Everyone knew she was not an Indian.

She does not like me very much, but she’s a—she’s a very angry person. Do you notice the way she is?

She’s always screaming, and she’s crazy. These people are crazy. The radical left is meaner. Yes. I don’t know what it is, Doug. They’re meaner than us, aren’t they? We’re like normal people. You know? We’re smart. We get our word, but we don’t go crazy.

We’re removing all of the unnecessary, incompetent, and corrupt bureaucrats from the federal workforce. That’s what we’re doing. And under the buyouts, we offered federal employees more than seventy-five thousand federal bureaucrats, think of that, have voluntarily agreed to surrender their taxpayer-funded jobs. We want to make governments smaller, more efficient. We want to keep the best people, and we’re not going to keep the worst people. And, you know, we’re doing another thing.

If they don’t report for work, we’re firing them. In other words, you have to go to office. Right? Right? Look at her.

If you don’t report to work, you know, that’s another scam. You know, who the hell—if I’m staying home, I’m going to—let’s see. My golf handicap would get down to very low number. You—so you’d be shocked if I told you the real number, but I would be so good. I’d—I’d try and get on tour.

I’d get—I would be so good. I’d call up. I’d say, listen. I’m really working here. Where are my gloves? Where are my gloves? Either that or, in many cases, they have second jobs while they’re getting paid by us. So one of the reasons they’re leaving is because they don’t want to have to show that, and, we’re demanding to see that information. How many jobs have you had? Who paid you while you were working for the government?

One of the reasons they’re leaving is because they don’t want to have to show that. And we’re demanding to see that information. How many jobs have you had? Who paid you while you were working for the government?

On Cutting Social Security and Medicare

Musk: Like, we did just, we just did, like, a check on the database on Social Security. Like, says, how many, a lot Americans, alive Americans eligible for Social Security, are there? And according to the database, it’s over 400 million. And we’re like, wait a second, and how many are you again? Yeah. And then, like, we found, like, one person in there is, like, 306 years old. I’m like, I mean, yeah, you know this, America doesn’t exist before at that time. Like, so, why? So, you know, maybe it’s just me, but I think it’s a red flag. I don’t know.

I mean, I, I, I. Listen, like if I steal Social Security, I can finally buy nice things. Yeah?

in fact, the actions that we’re taking with the support of the President and the support of the agencies, is, what will save Medicare? What will save Social Security?

And and, because if the country goes insolvent, if all, if all the money is just spent on paying interest on debt, there’s no money left for anything. Yeah, so that’s, that’s the reason I’m doing this, is because I looked at the big picture here, and it’s like, man, our debt’s getting out of control. The interest payments, interest on the national debt now exceeds the entire defense department budget.

So like, I mean, a country’s no different from a person. Country overspends, country goes bankrupt. Same with, same as a person who overspends goes bankrupt. So it’s not like optional to solve these things. It’s essential.

A bunch of money is going out from the Social Security Administration and, in fact, from all entitlement nt programs. I think the rough estimate from General — Government Accountability offices, there’s over $500 billion in 40 years…Five hundred bill-i-on. Per year, per year. On all entitlements, all entitlements. Yeah, it sort of actually makes sense. When you look at the thing from a top level and say, like, okay, there’s $7 trillion of spending by the government. What percentage do you think is fraudulent? Okay, exactly like a conservative estimate of the $7 trillion would be 10 percent. Conservative. But if the fraud is only 10 percent of $7 trillion, you’ve got $700 billion of fraud, and by the way, so it’s like, really easy to take advantage of the federal government. Very easy.

It looks like, for, in terms of covid payments, yeah, there was something like $200 billion of covid payment fraud taken by fraudsters out of the country. That’s like, I think, listen, if there’s going to be fraud, it should at least be domestic so, you know. But they managed to get $200 billion out of the country. I’m like, what! Why didn’t we notice that?

Trump: We’re also uncovering outrageous incompetence and fraud in the Social Security. We have, look. Let’s assume that people, generally speaking, in our case and everybody in this room, we’re going to all live way over a hundred, but this is a little ridiculous because not too many people are going over a hundred. Everybody, hopefully, in this room will. But there are in the Social Security ranks and files. And what we’re doing now is finding out, do they get paid? Do they get paid?

In other words, is somebody taking all of this money? So they have over one hundred to a hundred and nine, 4.7 million Social Security numbers, think of that, from people whose age is over one hundred….And we have one person listed at three hundred and sixty years of age, an all-time record, and our country’s two hundred and fifty years old. So that person’s substantially older than our country.

No. It’s all a scam. The whole thing is a scam. 1.3 million people. 1.3 who are over one hundred and fifty years of age.

And over 130,000 people are listed on our Social Security roles as over one hundred and sixty years of age. Now the final is at 1,039. So now we’re down into reasonable numbers. 1,039 people are listed between the ages of two hundred and twenty years old to two hundred and twenty-nine. And we have one person who’s listed at two hundred and forty-one years of age.

And we have one person listed at three hundred and sixty years of age, an all-time record, and our country’s two hundred and fifty years old. So that person’s substantially older than our country.

On Solving the Mystery of Fort Knox

Musk: 5,000 tons of gold, something. I think we all want to see it. This is your gold, by the way. It’s the public’s gold…I don’t know [if it’s really there], but I think I just want to see it. Yeah, we want to go see it and just make sure. Like, make sure, like, did somebody spray paint some lead or something, you know, yeah, like, is this real gold? You might have to bite the bar. You know. But I think, honestly, you know, part of this also is just like, let’s, you know, let’s have some fun. And, you know, like, like, I said, this, all this gold at Fort Knox. It’s the public’s gold. It’s your gold. So, like, I think you have, like, a right to see it.

I think we should have a — do a — do a tour. And the President last night was like, that’s, I think he’s in favor of it. That would be cool. And then we, like, it should be like a live tour, like, you’ll see what’s going on, open the door, [gestures dramatically] like, what’s behind it, well, and there’s, you know, I think I’d watch that. Yeah. Gotta be pretty big, you know. It’s gotta be a lot of other stuff in there, like, around, like, I don’t even… got some other stuff in there

Trump: We are also going to Fort Knox. I’m going to go with Elon. And would anybody like to join us? Because we want to see if the gold is still there. We want to see. Wouldn’t that be terrible if we open up this Fort Knox?

It’s got—it’s just solid granite that’s five feet thick. The front door, you need six muscle men to open it up. I don’t even think they have windows. Wouldn’t that be terrible if we opened it up and there was no gold there? Like, so we’re going to open those doors.

We’re going to take a look. And if there’s twenty-seven tons of gold, we’ll be very happy. I don’t know how the hell we’re going to measure it, but that’s okay. We want to see lots of nice, beautiful, shiny gold in Fort Knox. Don’t be totally surprised. We open the door. We’ll say, there’s nothing here. They sold this too. Now we have a very corrupt group of people in this country, and we’re finding them out.

On Russia and Ukraine

Musk: People like, sort of like, the end, like, yeah, you know, I’m a, I’m a bought asset of Putin, yeah, I’m like, he can’t afford me. Think about it!

First of all, I think we should have empathy for the people dying at the front lines. That’s the most important thing. If people have been dying, you know, like, how many more years is this supposed to go on? And imagine if that was your son, your father, you know, what are they dying for? What exactly are they dying for? That line has, the line of engagement has barely moved for two years. There’s a whole bunch of people dead in trenches for what. And I’ll tell you what for, what it’s like for the biggest graft machine that I’ve ever seen in my life, that’s for what. It’s unreal, like the amount of money that is being taken in graft and bribery is disgusting. And so what’s actually happening is that those, those you know, people, those poor guys, are getting sent into a meat grinder for money. That’s what’s actually going on. And needs to stop.

People, they need to stop dying and the graft machines got to stop, you know, so, and I think people that don’t, a lot of people out there don’t realize, like, the president has a lot of empathy. He really cares. You know, he’s good, he’s a good man.

Trump: And by the way, just so—because who the hell knows—we got to talk about something very important, the war between Russia and Ukraine. People are being killed, mostly young men, mostly Russian and Ukrainian men at levels you’ve never seen before. Thousands of people are weakened.

I’ve spoken to President Putin, and I think that thing is going to end, but it’s got to end. It’s a horrible, horrible thing to watch. I’m dealing with President Zelensky. I’m dealing with President Putin. I’m trying to get the money back that, or secured because, you know, Europe has given one hundred billion dollars.

The United States has given three hundred and fifty billion dollars because we had a stupid, incompetent president and administration. Three hundred and fifty. But here’s worse. Europe gave it in the form of a loan. They get their money back. We gave it in the form of nothing. So I want them to give us something for all of the money that we put up, and I’m going to try and get the war settled, and I’m going to try and get all that death ended. So we’re asking for rare earth and oil, anything we can get, but we feel so stupid. Here’s Europe. And you know, it affects Europe. It doesn’t really affect us except we don’t like to see two things. Number one, how Biden got us into this thing in the first place. Terrible. But why is it that he didn’t ask for equalization? Europe should put up more money than us.

But even if you said the same thing, how come we went so far out front? And he didn’t know that Europe gets his money back. They did it in the form of a loan. We don’t get our money back. We get nothing.

So we’re getting our money back. We’re going to get our money back because it’s not—it’s not fair. It’s just not fair. And we will see, but I think we’re pretty close to a deal, and we better be close to a deal because that has been a horrible situation. It would have never happened if I were president.

On immigration

Musk: Well, I think it’s really important for people to understand that the Biden administration sent any possible money that they could, they could, if there was money they could send to facilitate and amplify illegal immigration, they sent it. Okay. They took money from FEMA meant for helping Americans in distress, and sent that money to luxury hotels for illegal immigrants in New York. That is an outrage.

They actually did that, and not only that, even after the President signed an executive order saying it has to stop, the FEMA, the whatever deep state bureaucrats still pressed send on $80 million last week to go to the Roosevelt Hotel in New York and other places last week. And now, and now, they’re mad that they’ve got stopped, and they’re like trying to sue to have it be restored. It’s like, the gumption.

A lot of these things like, you don’t actually have to assume some grand conspiracy. You just need to look at basic incentives. So if the incentives, fundamentally, if the probability that an illegal is going to vote Democrat at some point, whether it’s cheating, but eventually they can become citizens. But if probability is like 80, 90 percent just look at California, which is super majority Dem. And then the incentive is to maximize the number of illegals in the country. That is why the Biden administration was pushing to get as many illegals as possible and spend every dollar possible to get as many. Because every one of them is a customer. Everyone is a voter. So the whole thing was a giant voter importation scam.

Very obvious. And then, moreover, then, they actually created the CBP One border app thing where they were, which is, like, where they could, they would literally fly people in. It’s not like, like, at the point at which you know, people being flown in at your expense —Like building a wall up doesn’t work…Yeah. And then we found that there was, like $100 million contract given to some guy in London, actually, while, you know, yeah, well, the CBP One app. So, so then, so they’re flying illegals into the swing states. And if you’ve got like, a margin of victory of maybe 20,000 people, and you fly 200,000 illegals into that state, it’s not gonna be a swing state for long.

So it might take, like, a year for an asylum seeker to get on the green card and five years for the citizenship, it’s an investment that is guaranteed to pay off. It’s just a question of when.

I want to go back. I want to talk about my big deal like, I think a lot of people like, don’t quite appreciate that this was an actual, real scam at scale to tilt the scales of democracy in America…Treason.

Trump: When day one, I ended the catch and release. I reinstated remain in Mexico when I signed an order that will end birthright citizenship for the children of illegal aliens. Because it wasn’t meant for these children. It wasn’t meant for people that escaped or invaded, came into our country illegally. It was meant for the children of slaves. Because when it was done many, many years ago, it was during a very tough period in this country’s history, and that was meant for the children of slaves.

Pouring in. If I weren’t elected president, there’d be nobody in Haiti anymore. They were pouring in at levels from other countries too, all over Africa, the Congo, all over South America. And they were coming in from prisons and mental institutions and insane asylums, jails, and gang members. And, you just have to see gang members, drug lords, people that are drug addicted.

I’ll tell you, I had four years. I don’t know if you had this.

I couldn’t stand it. Don’t get angry. Donald, don’t get angry, please. I couldn’t stand it. Watching these people come in from jails and mental institutions and and the worst criminals in the street, gang members being dropped off in buses and bused into our country. I couldn’t stand it. So I said, I’m going to run for president again. And now we don’t have that problem. Now we don’t have that problem anymore. We don’t have that problem anymore. We now have the best border we’ve ever had.

And just this week, I officially designated bloodthirsty cartels and murderers gangs as foreign terrorist organizations, something which Biden didn’t want to do and nobody wanted to do. It’s true. The full might and power of the federal government now be dedicated to eradicating MS-13, Tren de Aragua. That’s the Venezuelan prison gangs. These are very nice fellows.

The only thing good about them is they make our criminals look like nice people. It’s true. Remember when they used to say, people that come in from foreign countries are nice people. These are wonderful people. These are good people. They’re not murderers. They’re not terrible. They’re—these people make us look like babies. Okay? You know the Hells Angels? They’re among the nicest people on earth when you compare them to these thugs. And the Hells Angels actually love our country, if you can believe that. They actually do.

For four long years, you had a president who put illegal aliens up in penthouse suites in beautiful hotels on Park Avenue, on Madison Avenue, on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. Now you have a president who is stamping their ticket to Gitmo on a one-way trip back to the places from which they came, the wonderful places. Big difference.

We’re fighting Matrix big time here. It has got to be done.

On the New Old America

Musk: My mind is a storm. So. It’s a storm.

But, but, I mean, let me maybe tell you something like…maybe just elaborating on something, which is, you know, I grew up in South Africa and… but my morality was informed by America. I read comic books, you know, played Dungeons & Dragons. And I watched American TV shows and, like, it seemed like America cared about being the good guys, you know, about doing the right thing and, and that’s actually pretty unusual, by the way. And so I was like, Yeah, you know, you want to be this good. You want to be on the side of good. You want to care about what’s right. And, and uh, yeah. So that’s, that’s, yeah, what I believe in.

By the way, why do we still know nothing about that guy in Butler, what’s going on? But uh Kash is gonna get to the bottom of it! Yeah! Woo!

I’m open to ideas for improving security. I have to tell you. Like I don’t actually have a death wish. I think. But, you know, it’s not that easy. So, yeah, I mean, but I have like that, even like people like President Bukele from El Salvador, who managed to put in prison like a 100,000, like, murderous thugs. And he was like, he called me. He’s like, I’m worried about your security. I’m like, YOU’RE worried about my security? Okay, you know. I mean, yeah. Like, I’m like, I was like, how did you put all those thugs in prison without dying, because things like that would have been not easy. You know.

Trump: Every day brings more good news for America. I’ve ended all of the so-called diversity, equity, and inclusion programs across the entire federal government and the private sector. And notified every single government DEI officer that their job has been deleted. They’re gone. They’re fired.

You’re fired. Get out. You’re fired. I made it the official policy of the United States government that there are only two genders, male and female. That was easy.

I banned men from competing in women’s sports. And I also proudly banned the use of—now, thank you. We banned the use of puberty blockers, hormone injections, and other chemical and surgical mutilation of your youth. Could you imagine making a speech like this ten years ago? People would say, what the hell is he talking about?

Right? This is a sickness that came along with critical race theory and all of the other things that we had to put up with. And it’s all out now, critical race theory and transgender insanity. It’s all gone from our schools and from our military. And I believe it’s gone too.

For years, Washington was controlled by a sinister group of radical left Marxists, warmongers, and corrupt special interests who drained our wealth, attacked our liberties, obliterated our borders, and sucked our country dry—not any longer. But on November 5th, we stood up to all the corrupt forces that were destroying America. We took away their power. We took away their confidence. They lost their confidence. You know? Do you ever watch them? They lost their confidence.

And to make America healthy again, we confirmed Secretary of Health and Human Services, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Great guy. We need him. We need him.You know, there’s a number on autism as an example with children, autism. And you go back fifteen years, it was from 10 to 20,000. You had, like, one in 10 to 20,000. Some say 10, some say 20, but it was in that vicinity. That’s a big vicinity. Now it’s one in 36 babies of autism. One in 36. Think of it. It was one in probably 20,000 people. Now it’s one in 36. There’s something wrong. Something’s wrong, and Bobby is going to find it. Working with Dr. Oz, by the way. Working with Dr. Oz.

Our country’s going to become rich again, very rich. I always say it’s my favorite word in the dictionary. The word tariff is my favorite word in the dictionary. You know, we were richest, the richest relatively from—think of this. From 1870 to 1913, that was our riches because we collected tariffs from foreign countries that came in and took our jobs and took our money, took our everything. But they charged tariffs, and we had so much money. They set up the 1887—you think of that long time ago. 1887 tariff commission. It was a commission of very important people to determine where we should spend all of the tremendous vast wealth that we had.

We had so much wealth. Wouldn’t it nice today? Of course, now we give it away to transgender this, transgender that. Everybody gets a transgender operation. It’s just wonderful.

Now we give it away like, to crazy things. But in those days, it was different. It was a different world. It was a different country, but we were very rich because of tariffs. And I get myself in trouble because I say that tariff is my favorite word, and the fake news went crazy.

“What about god? What about wife and family? What about love?” I said, okay. Tariff is now my fourth favorite word.

I got myself into a lot of trouble with that. You can’t believe it. I said tariff is my favorite word in the dictionary, and I got killed by the fake news. So I say now, it doesn’t sound good. Tariff is—it’s my fourth favorite word.

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