[Salon] The Trump/Zelensky Oval Office Show (C-SPAN VIDEO)

FM: John Whitbeck

Transmitted below is a link to a video of yesterday's full public confrontation between the American and Ukrainian presidents.

The "blow-up" occurs in the final 10 minutes.

With the passage of time, Ukrainians may realize that they actually were fortunate to dodge a bullet yesterday.

Continued support from the new U.S. government, which clearly has other priorities, for perpetuating the sacrificial slaughter of Ukrainians in pursuit of U.S. geopolitical objectives and for no conceivable benefit to Ukrainians (a/k/a "support for Ukraine") was never on the cards.

That delusion has now been defintively dispensed with, and Ukraine has simultaneously avoided signing an extraordinary one-way agreement permitting the United States to plunder and loot Ukraine's natural resources for generations to come.

If President Zelensky so wishes, European "leaders" should be willing and able, if only to save face for themselves, to perpetuate the sacrificial slaughter of Ukrainians for a few more months, without improving Ukraine's situation but without demanding any right to plunder and loot Ukraine's natural resources.


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