Re: [Salon] Overholt on "China's Future"

What do Salon think about Bill Overholt's claim that the folly of declaring general economic/technological war on China exceeds that of Bush's Iraq war and Johnson's 1965 escalation decision in Vietnam? And what about Larry Summers' final point about knowing the differing positions within governments: Who in the administration is promoting this war? Who is opposing it? What are the arguments for and against? And why did Biden decide the way he did?

On Thu, 10 Nov 2022 at 02:06, Chas Freeman via Salon <> wrote:

On November 7, Bill Overholt, a former salon speaker, gave a lecture at Harvard, moderated by former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers, on “China’s Future.”  Here is the text, which merits a close reading.


The text does not include the fascinating subsequent exchange with Larry Summers. That part includes Bill Overholt's explanation of why Biden’s China policies earn him an overall foreign policy grade of D-plus and why a large part of modern political economy scholarship has jumped the tracks. The full session is available on YouTube:

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