[Salon] Israeli Far-right Minister Visits Temple Mount: 'We Should Return and Display Governance' - Israel News - Haaretz.com

Let’s give “credit where credit is due" (sarcasm). It was Donald Trump and Ron DeFascist (DeFascism, also shorthand for “Democratic Fascism,” as is promoted as “Conservatism,” in both Israel and the U.S.) and U.S. Conservatives working with and through right-wing extremists Tikvah Fund, Kohelet Policy Forum, Federalist Society, Heritage Foundation, CPAC, et al., who opened the floodgates for Israeli fascists to overthrow that sliver of the Rule of Law which had existed in Israel. Now turned over to “Absolute Majoritarianism” with the removal of even a sliver of Supreme Court Judicial Review:

BLUF: "Reportedly, it was the Kohelet Forum that gave Donald Trump’s Secretary of State Mike Pompeo the tenuous legal arguments on which he based his 2019 announcement that the US would no longer regard Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank as violating international law. Like the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) which drafts model bills on a range of conservative issues and then pushes for their introduction (TP-funded by Koch’s, and writing/promoting  anti-BDS legislation), Kohelet writes legislation and then finds Israeli lawmakers to champion it.

Which that Review at least attempted to put a patina of legality and legitimacy upon Israel’s repression of Palestinians by their once in a blue moon decisions that diminished even if only in the slightest degree, Israeli brutalization of the Palestinians. With that brutalization so favored by Trump and DeFascist as “precedent” for their own policies of brutalization of Americans and foreign countries. (Look at the Cheney’s prescriptions for "Restoring American Power,” in their book: “Exceptional.” Trump followed them to a T!)

In no way is quoting Willmoore Kendall’s panegyrist/biographer Christopher Owen, who is doing so much to introduce a new generation of “American Conservatives” to Kendall’s “Democratic Fascism” indicative of my approval of that. But Owen reduces some of the deceptions/obfuscations of Kendall’s  “political theory” to make it more comprehensible to people who find Kendall hard to understand, as some here have said (some said the same of Mussolini’s “Fascist Doctrine” or that German fellow’s book of his “Struggle,” especially after WW II). Which I agree with; given it's so interlaced with what Kendall identifies approvingly as his friend Leo Strauss’s “secret writing.” Though with such profound ignorance of political/legal theory of the Conservatives/libertarians who read him, and their predisposition to agree with  Kendall, as Kendall explains the “Basic Issues” (see attached file, one of the more comprehensible, and illustrative, articles by Kendall, of his innate fascist mindset), “secret writing” is hardly necessary, as fascist promoter Peter Thiel knows as does National Conservative Adrian Vermeule with their open promotion of Carl Schmitt’s fascist ideology! And if you Rightists adhere to fascist thought and ideas, don’t criticize me for using the “true name” for who and what you’re promoting!

So true to form, since about 2015, the media platform of Straussian/Trumpite/DeFascistite “Democratic Fascism” promotion, The American Conservative magazine (as bragged of in a Vanity Fair article, in re Trump) enthuses over and promotes Willmoore Kendall’s “Absolute Majoritarian” political and legal theory, to the noisy cheers of  Traditional/National Conservatives, as can be seen here: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/willmoore-kendalls-1787-plan/

BLUF: "Labeled an “absolute majoritarian,” he believed 50 percent-plus-one of the people had the right to decide matters. Fifty percent-minus-one had the duty to obey. Thus, Athens had acted rightly to put Socrates to death. Any people, he suggested, needed the ability to perpetuate its values and to sanction those undermining them.” 

Which in one of his few more coherent articles here, though that too was misinterpreted by “intellectuals” here, Kendall made clear what that means in regard to any dissent from the “consensus” in violation of the "duty to obey.” The epitome of “Fascism,” in other words, now made official in Israel, rather than just de facto. 

Now made “law” in Israel “liberating” the self-selected, self-designated, “Absolute Majority," with their “Legal Revolution” of the sort described in the attached chapter from The Dual State: 

Attachment: I The Prerogative State .pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document


Attachment: Basic Issues Between Conservatives and Liberals.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: APPENDIX TO THE 1941 EDITION.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Title: Israeli Far-right Minister Visits Temple Mount: 'We Should Return and Display Governance' - Israel News - Haaretz.com
Kendall couldn’t have written a statute better than that, as representing his “legal theory!"

Israeli Far-right Minister Visits Temple Mount: 'We Should Return and Display Governance' - Israel News - Haaretz.com

Israel's National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir visited the Temple Mount/Al-Aqsa compound in Jerusalem on Thursday morning to mark Tisha B'Av – a Jewish day of fast and mourning commemorating the destruction of both temples and the exile of the Jewish people.

Shortly after, militants from Jenin released footage of themselves firing a rocket toward the Israeli Moshav Ram-On, likely in retaliation for the visit to the contentious compound.

This is Ben-Gvir's third visit to the site since Netanyahu took office in November.

During the visit, Ben-Gvir said that the Temple Mount was "the most important place for the people of Israel. We need to return and display our governance [here]."

"On this day, at this place, we must remember – we are all brothers. We are all the same people. When a terrorist looks out the window, he can't tell us apart," he added.

Apart from Ben-Gvir, Likud MK Amit Halevi and Negev and Galilee Development Minister Yitzhak Wasserlauf also went to the Temple Mount on Thursday morning. Wasserlauf was seen alongside Rabbi Shimshon Elboim, the head of a group calling itself the Temple Mount Administration.

Hamas spokesman Hazem Kassem said in a statement that the "raids" into the compound constitute "an escalation of the religious war the occupation is waging against Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa. The Palestinian people will protect Al-Aqsa's identity as an Islamic mosque at any cost."

The Palestinian Foreign Ministry said it "condemns the entry of Itamar Ben-Gvir, the Negev and Galilee Development Minister and other settlers," adding that "the Israeli government provides official backing for continued raids and aggression against the Al-Aqsa Mosque and attempts to change the status quo."

The ministry said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu "bears direct and full responsibility for this provocative event," and called on the international community and the Biden administration to intervene to protect the mosque and other holy sites in Jerusalem.

Jordan's Foreign Ministry spokesman Sinan al-Majali warned in a statement against continued steps by Israel that could escalate tensions and lead to a regional crisis.

Israel Police issued a statement saying that 16 visitors to the Temple Mount/Al Aqsa compound have been arrested or detained this morning for not complying with police orders, and two more for attempting to disrupt visitations to the site. The police did not clarify whether those arrested were Israelis or Palestinians.

In May, Ben-Gvir had also visited the Temple Mount, where he said "We are the owners of Jerusalem and the entire Land of Israel." His visit drew condemnation from countries around the world and in the region, including Egypt and Jordan, who defined the moved as a violation of the status quo in the area.

In April, hundreds of Jewish visitors gathered on the Temple Mount as dozens of Palestinian worshipers remained barricaded in the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The Jordanian foreign ministry condemned the Jewish visitors for touring the Temple Mount, and said that the situation will continue to deteriorate and “worsen if it [Israel] doesn't stop its [activity in] the Al-Aqsa Mosque.”

Following this incident, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu decided to "prohibit the entry of Jewish visitors and tourists to the Temple Mount until the end of Ramadan on the unanimous recommendation of the Defense Minister, the IDF Chief of Staff, the head of the Shin Bet and the Police Commissioner."

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