[Salon] Fwd: Tracking targets from space

Let’s give “credit," where credit is due here, to Donald J. Trump, "Father of the American Space Force” (https://www.spaceforce.mil/),
who “fought the Blob,” as The American Conservative magazine and Quincy Institute frequently claimed, in asserting he pursued a “Realism and Restraint” foreign policy, as claimed here: https://responsiblestatecraft.org/2022/05/31/new-right-taking-it-back-to-old-pre-neocon-roots-starting-with-ukraine/

With this remarkably ignorant, or duplicitous, statement included, amongst many: “But in many respects, it’s a return to the principles of the 1920s, of Coolidge and his predecessor Warren Harding.” 

That was the period which was the high-point of the “wars” that USMC General Smedley Butler would denounce as “War is a Racket,” of those which he’d been involved in since the Spanish-American War, to include U.S. “military actions” in China, and the Banana Wars in Latin American, under Republican Presidents. With the exception of WW I under Wilson. 

I’ve suggested here in the past that for any analysis and understanding of “why” a member of Congress votes against any Bill that expands the wars and military expansionism, such as a very few Republicans did against more military aid for Ukraine, it is critical to look to their “motives,” just like for any crime, as they will frequently share that in “defending” themselves from charges that they’re “weak,” if one only looks. Which few ever do, especially amongst journalists with a political agenda, such as at The American Conservative magazine and Quincy Institute where it is claimed “Realism and Restraint” are the guiding principles for the "New Right” foreign policy agenda. But when one reads where a Josh Hawley or a Matt Gaetz votes against a “Defense Bill;” with only the slightest “investment” of time in performing a three word search, one always finds their motive is not to “oppose” new wars, such as against China, but for some other suspect motive, as Hawley did a couple years ago as he explains here, but always to expand the war against China as well, explicitly, or subliminally: 

"The Kansas City Star reports that Hawley announced his intention on Wednesday to vote against the $740 billion National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) following a veto threat from President Donald Trump. 

"Hawley said he objected to language in the bill mandating that 10 military bases named after Confederates be renamed.”

In fact, in that the Confederacy was even more rabid for imperial expansion than the North, as in the Caribbean and against Mexico, “celebrating” the Confederate’s Imperial officers is necessary to maintain the “militaristic consciousness” that the South always exemplified most, to the present day, with that now throughout the country. In the same way that George L. Mosse described the “German militaristic culture” built upon similar “symbols,” which over time, led inexorably to the Nazis, as the attached chapter of "The Nationalization of the Masses” describes, which is so descriptive of the US today: 

Attachment: 6-Caesarism.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: 9-The Political Cult.pdf
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Attachment: 1-The New Politics.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Read these in connection to NaziCon Yoram Hazony’s writings, and Straussian, and Trump’s handpicked “Court Historian,” Hillsdale President Larry Arnn’s revisionist U.S. history, the 1776 Project, and only the dimmest of readers will fail to see that while the present is not an exact duplicate of 1920s fascism, there’s a strong resemblance in the tactics and ultimate objective of the New Right strand of “U.S. Militarism,” and their Israeli counterparts.

With that as introduction, here is some of the latest news of Trump’s scheme, the “Space Force” he brought into existence, to “end the endless wars,” through military domination of all spheres of warfare.

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From: Defense News <news@defensenews.com>
Subject: Tracking targets from space
Date: March 1, 2023 at 2:23:05 PM CST

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