This Breaking Defense excerpt still didn't go through on that last email, but its essential to know, as this is the kind of warfare Trump initiated, escalated and accelerated against all of Iran, Russia, China, Venezuela, and Cuba, while the author of this piece projects that all on Russia, another form of war incitement. With all of Trump's "Modern Warfighting" largely kept hidden by duplicitous Conservatives and libertarians, at Trump supporting "Non-partisan think tanks," and Trump's "in-flight magazine," The American Conservative, as they boast they are. With waging "clandestine war," as the NYT described what Trump and Netanyahu jointly began against Iran as soon as Trump became President in 2017, if not before. With that so easily kept hidden from ignoramuses living in the past, believing war is not war, unless tanks and bombers are going at it. Which is entirely false, as Israel's former Unit 8200 Commander explained in his book, and as Musk, Thiel, Vance, Adelson, and other assocociated Republicans are fully aware, as Breaking Defense below shows. Really, how insane does one have to be to promote "Bombs Away LeMay" as a model for U.S. policy making? |
1. Humans or Machines.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document
2. Synergetic Learning.pdf
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3. Deep Defense.pdf
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4. Challenges and Difficulties.pdf
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5. FAST-A New Concept.pdf
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6. What We Can Learn from the U.S. .pdf
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7. A Framework.pdf
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Front Matter.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document
Description: Adobe PDF document
Excerpt: "A second reason is not as widely understood: World War II and its sequel, the Cold War, are behind us, not in front of us. The age of mass mobilization-based armies has given way to limited, high-intensity conventional warfare — an era of integrated, “all arms-all effects” warfighting. "This new brand of “come- as-you-are” warfare requires highly trained professionals ready to fight effectively when the hostilities begin. The unified application of intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) systems, the whole range of cyber and electronic warfare capabilities, widely dispersed joint strike systems, and mobile, armored maneuver forces across service lines cannot be executed on the fly. To effect change in the way Europeans and Americans think about defense, the President must issue new marching orders to the Department of Defense:
"NATO needs these reforms and European military leaders know it. But though these measures would save billions of dollars and dramatically improve the US armed forces’ readiness to fight, America’s senior military leaders will resist them. This, however, is a problem for President Trump, not NATO. "History provides a model for how to fix this. When General Curtis LeMay took over Strategic Air Command, he discovered that SAC lacked the right operational focus and military capability; there were no detailed war plans, only broad directives. LeMay concluded there were not enough leaders with the elasticity of mind to meet the Cold War’s new demands for fast-paced exercises and deployments. LeMay found the ‘right people,’ he appointed them to command and staff positions, and SAC became the model of warfighting readiness. LeMay’s approach may be helpful to the President as he moves the Department of Defense and NATO in a new strategic direction."